Become a 

Build an attractive website.

Create your own website fitting your business needs in just a few steps!


Going online in 3, 2, 1...

Having your own website is a must nowadays. Don't miss out on the business opportunities of the online world and create your very own website with HiReady!


 Increase your visibility! Prospects can now reach your company from all over the world.


 Provide details on your services and benefits. Create blog posts and newsletter to keep your visitors updated!


Publish Job ads on different channels and provide contact forms!

Building Kit

Choose a theme and style fitting your business and get inspired by our templates.

Use content blocks to build your own website. 

Each block is highly customizable. Adjust colors, shapes and sizes to your liking.

Add videos, pictures and animations for the final polish.

Website builder

Keep tabs on your web performance

Our integrated reporting tools help you overlook your web performance. Create informative visuals showing clicks and engagement. Our Website tool is also equipped with a SEO feature. Add meta titles and descriptions. Increase your rankings by including relevant keywords and more!


E-learning platform

You just hired a new employee and you want to introduce them to your work methods? Use our convenient e-learning platform to offer just the right environment for your onboarding plan or new learning experiences! Plan your own courses and publish different materials like informative videos, quizzes, instructive blogs and certificates. Get insights on the learning progress of participants by accessing their individual user profiles. Tracking their growth not only helps you define the learning objectives, but also motivates the learners to keep up their studies.

Adjust your materials according to feedback or our handy reporting tool

Advanced reporting gives you real-time insights! Charts or tables: Find the perfect way to get insights into your courses and certifications, learner performance, and the learning progress they're making. Select the metrics that are most relevant to you, easily apply predefined or custom filters, and view results exactly the way you need!

Increase interaction!

Create a forum for learners to chat and ask their coaches or teachers questions. Add quizzes and diverse questions types to test the learners' knowledge.

Blogs, newsletter and more!

Get in contact with your customers by updating your blog and newsletter. Consult our templates to create new content and send them to your Email contacts! Website visitors can contact you via contact form or our live chat options as well! 

Increase interaction